
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. 

Abuse is not normal. Every person’s safety matters and Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect, abuse and exploitation and other criminal behaviour such as scamming'

Our Management Committee and Trustess are committed in preventing the users of our facilities being subject to neglect or abuse.  

If it is urgent dial 999 and ask for the emergency services.

If you have concerns regarding anyone using our facilities please refer to our Safeguarding Policy here 

Our Safeguaring Officers are 

Adrian Miles- Trustee - Mobile 07850621235

Justine Turner - Management Committee  - Tel No 01787 248145 or Mobile 07745170348

Alternatively advise can be sought from Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership about any Safeguarding concerns via the following link here 

When unsure whether a referral is required, you also have the option to call a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Professional Consultation line on 0345 6061499 to speak with a MASH social worker